Apr 292012

This week marks twelve months since I began posting weekly photo articles on this site. In that time I’ve been lucky to visit caves and dive sites across Australia, and it’s been great to share some of my favourite shots. In recent months I’ve dived Jenolan and McCavity Caves in New South Wales, finally achieved sunbeams in the Shaft in Mt Gambier, and travelled to the Nullarbor and Roe Plains to dive virgin tunnels. I’ve also just returned from a trip to tropical Papua New Guinea, courtesy of Lissenung Island Resort and the Underwater Festival. My latest photos from this trip have just been uploaded, and can be seen here.   My posting schedule of a weekly article hasn’t quite [read more…]

Feb 272012
One year on

Agnes Milowka A year ago today, Ag passed away while cave diving. I miss her. In the weeks and months after she died, I learned a lot about grief. To start with it was impossible to forget that she wasn’t here any more, or to think about anything else. I talked repetitively about her life and her death to friends who were kind enough to listen. Getting distracted by day to day living meant that when I stopped thinking about the task at hand I would suddenly remember that she was gone. It was like walking into a brick wall each time, over and over again. Constantly holding my grief front of mind seemed easier than the repeated shock of [read more…]

Feb 062012
RIP Andrew Wight

Andrew Wight passed away on Saturday afternoon. He was an Australian cave diver, an underwater film maker, the writer-producer of the Hollywood movie Sanctum 3D and a good bloke. He followed his passions – a full list of his movie, documentary and TV credits can be seen here. National Geographic has put up a tribute to Wighty and Mike DeGruy here. They’ll be missed.      

Jul 112011
Agnes Milowka

  I joined the Melbourne University Underwater Club in 2003; Ag was President that year. It wasn’t until a few years later, when I was President, that I better understood and envied the natural talent she had for getting hungover students enthused about getting up early and going diving. In February 2005 we did our first cave course together. In mid-2005 I headed off to England for 18 months. Back in the country in 2006 Dean, Ag and I were over in Mt Gambier every 2 to 3 weeks, practising for the third and final cave course. We were all still determinedly wearing our tanks on our backs at this point, removed by Ag on one notable occasion to facilitate [read more…]