Dec 232014

It doesn’t quite feel like the end of 2014, but apparently it really is. I’ve had an amazing year with some fantastic diving – from muddy sumps in Elk River and Tasmania to crystal clear tropical water in Komodo to secret caves in Indonesia and scalloped rocks in France. For Christmas I’m headed back to the tropics. Tomorrow I head off to Bali to complete my MOD2 and MOD3 rEvo courses with Marc Crane at Tek Deep Asia. I was very happy with the rigour and detail of my MOD1 course back in 2012 and with a few hours under my belt, these courses seem to be a fitting way to end 2014. All going well I will be surfacing from my first 100m dive sometime around New Years Day.

I hope you have an excellent holiday and find time for a few sneaky dives to work off the festive food. In the meantime here’s a four minute video from the last trip to keep you amused. This was all shot with my Lumix using just the collective Scurion power of the group for lighting. I spent the trip switching between photos (as seen in last week’s post) and video to capture both sides of the story. The video does come with a minor language warning, so maybe turn the sound down to half power before watching at work.

There’s nothing quite like the joy of successful exploration. Here’s to many more in 2015!

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